About Us
Fiberdog Fibers is your store for unique handmade yarn and fibers for all your crafting projects!
Born from my passion to spin, knit, crochet, weave and all things fiber related, I aim to produce high quality products that are a joy to work with and bring fun into your fiber crafts.
I mainly work from the raw fleece, meaning I wash, pick, card, dye and spin the wool myself.
Whenever possible I work with small local shepherds.
The true Fiberdog behind Fiberdog Fibers (and inspiration for the name) however, is our German Shepherd Hestia:
She loves stealing my fibers, projects or tools and "helping" me by putting her mouth and paws way too close to various parts of the moving spinning wheel.
As most German Shepherds, she is shedding quite a bit and so I jokingly started calling her my Fiberdog.
When looking for a name for my new business, Fiberdog Fibers seemed like an obvious choice.
I hope you will enjoy my products as much as I enjoy making them!
And a little more joy is something everybody can use these days.
Nat (with Fiberdog Hestia)